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Introduction Your Opinion Web Site References

Web Site References

The following text is taken from The MLA-Style Citations of Electronic Sources

[Author's last name if known], [Author's first name, if known]. '[Title of document]'. [Title of complete work if applicable]. [Version or file number if applicable]. [Document date or date of last revision if different from access date]. [Protocol and address, access path or directories] ([date of access]).

You may often find that many of these elements are unavailable for referencing. Skip the elements that don't apply.


Dodson, Louise. The Australian Financial Review. March 3, 1997. http://www.aft.com.au/content/970505/budget/budget13.html 'Key Indicators of the Australian Economy'. The APEC Finance Ministers Home Page. 1997. http://www.treasury.gov.au/apecfin (May 5, 1997)

2004 Nationellt centrum för flexibelt lärande Uppdaterad: 2006-04-20