Your task here is to read two novels from one of the genres presented
in the library and write an essay comparing, contrasting and analysing
the two novels.
Browse through the books by clicking on the bookshelves.
The links to the sites of the authors will hopefully give you
information as well as inspiration.
Take notes while you are reading each part of the book. By writing down
vocabulary, your thoughts and what you find interesting, it will be easier
to go back and refresh your memory later when you start writing the book
analysis. Retelling the story is not enough. Use quotations and references
from the books in your analysis.
Choose some of these questions to consider while you are reading and before
starting to write your essay. All questions are not relevant for all genres.
What, if anything, ties the two books you read together?
What is the theme, the idea, of the novel? Is there more than one
theme? Is there a message? Make a comparison between the novels.
Describe and compare the main characters. Do they develop and go through
changes? What similarities and differences are there?
Could the characters have lived earlier than during the 20th century?
If not, why not?
For whom did the author write the novel do you think? Why did he/she
write these novels?
What is the atmosphere of the novel and how is it achieved?
Compare the structure and style of the novels. Is narrative in chronological
order or told by means of flashbacks? Who tells the story? The main
character, some other character or an omniscient narrator? Is the style
realistic, poetic or symbolic? Is the tone comic, ironic, agitating,
thrilling or romantic?
What is your evaluation? Did you like the novels? You may consider
emotional, ideological or aesthetic aspects.
If you cannot find these books in a local bookshop, go to the LINKS section
of the course.
2004 Nationellt centrum för flexibelt lärande Uppdaterad: