There are three common types of periodicals:
Referencing an article in a scholarly journal
[Author's last name], [Author's first name]. ['Title
of the article']. [Title of the journal], [The volume number], [(Year of
publication)]: [Inclusive page numbers].
Referencing an article in a newspaper
[Author's last name], [Author's first name]. ['Title
of the article']. [Title of the newspaper (as it appears on the masthead
but without introductory article. For locally published newspapers without
the city name in the title, add the city in square brackets, no underlining,
after the name)] [Complete date -day, month and year] If an edition is
named on the masthead, add a comma after the date and specify the edition.[nat.ed.,late
Referencing an article in a magazine (published every week or every two weeks)
[Author's last name],[Author's first name]. ['Title of the article']. [Title of the magazine] [Complete date, beginning with day and abbreviating the month]: [inclusive page numbers].