Report Writing

Some of the students though discovered that they had lost their close contact with their own people and even their their close families. They understood Western people, Western languages and Western manners better than those from their own country. They had even lost their interest in people of Utlandia . The students were not interested in the plants, animals and culture of their own country.

Most of the teachers think this is quite good because they found Western culture superior to their own Utlandian culture. Only a few, three of thirty-five, were worried about alienating the students form their own people.

I carried out in-depth interviews with a group of ten former students visiting their former students visiting the school. These students had graduated from the school seven to ten years ago. I found that these students had a more differentiated view than the students and teachers at the school. See appendix 2 for the results of the interviews. Only three of them were sure that this education had been the best for them. They had got high positions in the government after having studied in USA and France for several years.

Visiting some of the homes of the students I found that the relatives were very proud of their students, but that they were a bit shy to talk to them. The parents had often had to put all their money into educating this special student. The rest of their children got a very poor education . Many of them did not go to school more than two to three years because the parents could not afford to pay their school fees. I found that the families put pressure on the student at Eton of Africa and presumed that the student, when educated, would raise the family’s standard of living.


The facilities were very good and of a much higher standard than in the rest of the country. Much water was used for the irrigation and the swimming pool though the surrounding lands were very dry and the population living around had a hard time getting water for their fields. The very western style separated the compound clearly from the surrounding villages.


The teachers were well-educated with a good standard of teaching, but they did not understand the language and culture of Utlandia. The teachers seemed to feel superior to the people of the country. They were very uncritical of the Western lifestyle and the Western way of thinking.


The students graduated from Eton of Africa had a feeling of alienation from their fellow countrymen. At the same time they felt confident meeting Westerners and speaking Western languages. The community members found that the former students did a very good job, but they did not always understand the conditions of ordinary people. During their time at school they did not have any contact at all with the society.


The buildings are very good and are in very good condition. I suggest that they should be kept at that standard in the future.

The maintenance is also very good and should be continued in the same way.


The garden with all the flowers is very beautiful but needs a lot of water in the dry season. I suggest that the garden should be smaller and that trees should be planted instead of some of the flowers. Trees help to keep the water in the ground.