
More Discussion Gambits



These are useful when you need time to think








Well, that's a very interesting point…




There may well be a lot of truth in what you say, but there are other things to consider.




Well, I shall have to think about that.




Well, I can't decide on that immediately. It will require quite a bit of thought.




That's a very interesting idea. I'd like to give it some thought.




I'm not sure that I entirely understand you. Could you go over that again?




I'm sorry. I don't quite follow you. Could you explain a little more?




Could you give me some examples of what you mean?




Are you trying to say that ……….?




Well, I think that's very largely a matter of opinion.
















Do you mind if I just ask a question here?




Excuse me a moment. I'd just like to make a point here.




That's a very good point, but .........




I'm sorry to interrupt you, but .......




Excuse my interrupting you, but .......




Sorry, but can I just say something here?








After the interruption








I'm sorry I interrupted. Please carry on/Please continue.








Useful phrases when arguing and persuading








But aren't you overlooking the fact that .......




I think you're being a little hasty in assuming that .........




We've got to take into account the fact that ..........




It seems to me that you're ignoring .........




What I'm driving at is this ……….




Yes, but that still leaves us with ..........




You say that ………. but what about ……….




The whole problem basically is one of ............




True, but on the other hand ........




If that is true, then how do you explain .......






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