
Discussion Gambits


When you want to:

You say this:







voice an opinion

I think . . .




In my view . . .




As I see it . . .




From my point oil view . . .




I must say that . . .




The point is that . . .




I feel that . . .







agree with an opinion

That's just what I think.




I agree.




I couldn't agree more.







disagree with an opinion

I'm afraid I don't quite agree that ...




I'm not sure that I agree with that.




I'm afraid I can't accept that point.




I'm sorry, but I just can't accept that.







agree with a fact

That's true.




That's correct.







disagree with a fact

I'm afraid that's not quite true.




That's not really true/the case.




Are you sure that's correct?







show you don't have an opinion

I'm sorry, but I don't have any      definite opinion on that subject.




I'm sorry, but I just don't know enough about it to form an opinion.







partly agree and partly disagree

I partly agree with you




I don't quite agree with everything you say.







come to an end of a talk

In conclusion . . .




Finally . . .




To end with . . .






More discussion gambits on the next page!

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Copyright © Nationellt centrum för flexibelt lärande 2002