

Using the right language in meetings (even other forms of discussions and negotiations).

English, as with other languages, is not only a carrier of communication, it is also a carrier of culture, mores and moral values.

The amount of language sensitivity required depends very much on the status of the other people and the situation in which you find yourself.

In Sweden the chairman of a meeting might very well be more of a friendly discussion leader. In Britain the situation could very well be quite different. In many other countries it certainly is.

Take note of the degree of respect the other people at a meeting show towards the chairman. If he/she thinks you are showing too little respect, you might not be given the opportunity to air your views - however much you wave your finger in the air!

In this section we will give some useful discussion “gambits” to help you through the more formal meeting, discussion and negotiating situations. You might even find them useful to use in more normal situations - everyone appreciates a bit of common courtesy!

Copyright © Nationellt centrum för flexibelt lärande 2002