Report Writing


Improving the quality of your report

In addition to sentence length there are other problems that can be avoided with a bit of thought and practice. Below are some examples:

What types of mistakes do the sentences below seem to illustrate? Run your mouse over the yellow buttons to find the mistakes we found. Are there any mistakes that we have left out?

We could not get down to the subject of the seminar because there were so many irrelevant questions.

He suggested that we do it (this way). Everyone knows that (this way) has never worked, is not working and will never work.

The centre piece of the XXX consists of firstly the promotion of a whole farm approach rather than the single crop single activity approach and secondly, the encouragement of the development of project planning and implementation responsibilities at the local level: an overall orientation change from the “vertical” to the “horizontal” development approach.

These principles underpinning effective performance appraisal have wider relevance than simply improvements in individual performance. They are also concerned with the development of a participative organisational culture by contributing to the broader goals of creating satisfying, effective jobs, encouraging the involvement of people in the organisation, and the development of people.

The localities were inadequate considering the form of the training sessions that was conducted. (without windows, a pillar in the middle resulted in unlimited interactions between participants).

Some of the demographic lecturers were based on old findings and figures.

The session on economics should have been completed with examples from the Nordic countries.

I participated only 1,5 day - out of 5 days- in this module therefore my comments may not be adequate.

The broad mandate was not penetrated into the course.