Report Writing


Exercise 1

John has a cold. His ears feel plugged and he cannot hear very well. Mary is trying to tell him about her day at the office:

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Exercise 1

Answer sheet

Look at the sentences below and put them into reported speech. Then move your mouse over the button to get the suggested answer.

Mary: Oh, I'm so tired!

Mary: Nothing went right at the office today.

Mary: First I missed the bus and I was late

Mary: Then I spilled coffee on my dress.

Mary: Then I sat in some jam.

Mary: I washed my dress in cold water.

Mary: Then I lost my purse at lunchtime.

Mary: I am very happy to see that you can finally hear!

Exercise 2

Here are a few more sentences to change from “direct” speech into “indirect” speech (reported speech).

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Exercise 2

Answer sheet

He said, "Ann will be in Paris on Monday".

John said, "I'll be using the car myself on the 24th".

"I never eat meat", he explained.

She said, "I've lost my umbrella".

"I went home for lunch", Jane said to the Headmaster.

He said, "I can't remember your name".

John said, "I'm leaving for Canada tomorrow".

"Where do you live?", she enquired.

He said, "Don't go yet, Tom!".

"I've been trying to repair this since breakfast", she said.