Letter Writing


Being aware of the level of formality needed in your environment is the most important factor to bear in mind. Maybe you need to be more formal or more sensitive to the reader than you used to being in your own culture.

We also need to be aware of other factors such as the status of the other person and the possibility of “losing face”. In some countries these factors are very important.

To begin with, though, we will take a more light-hearted look at “bureau-speak”, that is, the language of administrators. What do they really mean?

Useful Definitions

The British ‘Justice of the Peace and Local Government Review’ described the following list is as a ‘guide to expressions used in Government and Local Government circles’.

Think about what you consider might be the meaning first. Then move your mouse over the phrase to get the guide’s interpretation.

'Under consideration'
'Under active consideration'
'In abeyance'
'Is receiving very careful consideration'
'I should be glad of your future comments'
'Putting him in the picture'
'You will remember'
'Passed to you'
'In conference'
'Concur generally'
'Kindly expedite reply'
'Passed to a higher level'
'For action as necessary'
'Strongest protest'
'It will be appreciated'
'You must improvise'

Please note that although these phrases were given here for fun, there is a bit of seriousness behind them!