Letter Writing

Appropriate Language

Exercise 1. Correct the Letter

We have seen that there are many components to writing a good letter. The format should be correct, the language should be appropriate to the situation. We should also be careful about spelling, punctuation and grammatical mistakes.

Below is an example of a badly written letter. There are many kinds of mistake that can be found.

Read through the letter and make a note of the problems you find. Then click on the audio button and compare your findings with the teacher’s.


Our ref TD/mb



Your ref WIN/MS/E207.14





Mr Michael Scott



Sales Mgr,



Wilkinson Components plc



Napier Hse



25 to 50 Redbridge Rd,






M18 6LT.






May 31, 2001






Dear Mister Scott











Many thanks for your letter dated the 28th of May 2001, explaining that this machine is no longer available but RG4168 made to the same speci but using a slightly different alloy is now available instead.






Before we put a firm order with you I'd like to see samples of this new version. If the replacment is as good as you say it is, I shall certainly wish to reinstate the original order, by placing an order for the new items.






Apart from anything else, I should preffer to continue to deal with Wilkinson Engineering plc, whose service has always been satisfactory in the past. But you will understand that I have to safegard Bradley Engineering and make sure that the quality is good.






I would, therefore, be greatful if you'd let me have on loan a machine that we can use for or a trial run. Even tho' this is not a new prototype, we still need to test it out on the production line at our plant.






Would you please let us have this modified engine asap and also advise me of the delivery date so that I can made the appropriate arrangements here for a temporary testing out period.






Yours sincerly






Tony Davidson



Production Manager