I don't expect you to be an expert on references and if you have difficulties
with this part of your paper it's not going to bring your grade down from
MVG (Mycket Välgodkänd) to IG (Icke Godkänd). But you should begin to
familiarize yourself with how footnotes and references are used. When
you use facts or quote directly from a source, you must note this in your
text. This footnote will refer to a reference at the end of your paper.
Your references will be listed at the end of your paper in alphabetic
order based on the first word in the reference. You will probably use
one or more of the following sources:
Each of these has their special way of being presented. To see how each
one should be listed, click on the reference you want to learn more about.
Go to Notes to see how to note references within
the text (footnotes in the text).
references (periodicals | books | web sites)