


Complete mastery of written language. Can express all thoughts practically as well as an educated native speaker or comparable who is used to expressing himself in writing.

4 ½

Writes varied and precise sentences and well-balanced paragraphs. Accurate use of broad and appropriate vocabulary. Gives an effect of fluent precision.


Writes varied and complex sentences but with occasional errors in style and very occasional mistakes in grammar or choice of words. Ideas presented convincingly and smoothly.

3 ½

Writes simple and complex sentences. Few grammatical, errors when attempting complex sentences. Ordinary vocabulary accurate and generally broad.


Writes more complex sentences with some errors in grammar, vocabulary or spelling. Meaning conveyed clearly and fairly smoothly.

2 ½

Writes simple sentences with some errors in grammar, vocabulary or spelling. Generally the meaning is conveyed clearly but due to lack of confidence and grammatical accuracy some misunderstandings arise.


Writes simple sentences with basic errors in grammar and spelling. Cannot always Convey meaning with accuracy due to limited vocabulary.

1 ½

Writes very simple sentences containing many errors and conveying wrong information with great difficulty only.


Cannot even write correct simple sentences. Able to write a few simple phrases and individual words with frequent spelling and grammatical errors.


Cannot even write simple sentences or phrases. Can write some isolated words correctly.


Unable to write even the most simple words or phrases.