


Pronunciation and intonation practically equal to that of an educated native speaker or comparable. Speech fluent, effortless and grammatically correct. Has practically faultless command of idiomatic and colloquial language.

4 1/2

Pronunciation and intonation almost that of an educated native speaker or comparable. Can discuss topics unfamiliar to him effortlessly, precisely and with well-chosen vocabulary. Grammatical errors may occasionally occur in complex structures but these never obscure the meaning.


Although pronunciation errors are quite rare his intonation prevents him from being taken for a native speaker. Can discuss appropriately and effortlessly a wide variety of familiar topics. Commands a high degree of fluency and precision of vocabulary. occasional grammatical errors do not obscure the meaning.

3 1/2

Pronunciation is intelligible with only minor errors. Can usually respond appropriately and without hesitation on a wide variety of familiar topics. Commands reasonably adequate fluency and precision of vocabulary. Grammatical errors may sometimes obscure the meaning.


Pronunciation always intelligible – though foreign  with few major errors. Vocabulary adequate for all general conversation. Manages common idioms but frequently misuses colloquial phrases. Can discuss home, family and job without difficulty. Sometimes forced to re-phrase his sentences due to lack of command of more complex structures.

2 ½

Pronunciation is mostly intelligible but occasional errors lead to misunderstanding. Can respond to most simple social conversation and personal questions, but is hesitant due to limited vocabulary. Fair control of grammatical structure. Generally conveys meaning but is sometimes misinterpreted.


Although pronunciation is mostly understandable, frequent errors lead to misunderstanding. Can respond  with limited vocabulary to most simple social conversation and personal questions (home, job, etc.). Lacks idioms. Some structural inaccuracy often leads to misunderstanding.

1 ½

Pronunciation is often unintelligible and constant errors lead to misunderstanding. Can respond, within limits of his very small vocabulary and after much consideration, to some simple social conversation and personal questions. Inaccuracy of structures, especially word order, often leads to misunderstanding.


Pronunciation is often unintelligible. Vocabulary is extremely limited; adequate only for response to simple greetings and courtesy expressions. Answers simple questions with obvious effort and long pauses. Extreme grammatical inaccuracy often conveys wrong information.


Pronunciation unintelligible. Vocabulary limited to a few simple words. conversation impossible. Might possibly answer "yes" or "no" to questions.


Unable to use even the most simple words or phrases.


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