
The Agenda

The structure of a meeting hangs around the agenda. The writing of the agenda is therefore extremely important. Also of great importance is the chairman/woman’s ability to adhere to the structure.

The example below is the stock standard format for holding a meeting in English. We will consequently examine each of the components individually.

Agenda for the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 3rd June 2001, at 2 p.m. in the conference room in the Faith Street premises.


1. Opening of the meeting.

2. Those present

3. The minutes of the last meeting

4. Matters arising from the minutes

5. Business of the meeting

The Board has decided to move from purely design into the production of its ideas. It is the business of the meeting to decide upon the following:

1.Production in Britain or Europe

2. Lines to be put into production first

3. Capital or labour intensive factory

4. Sub-contractors

5. Set time or flexi-time

6. Set wages or piece-work

7. Working conditions

6. AOB

7. Closure

Copyright © Nationellt centrum för flexibelt lärande 2002