Letter Writing

Letter Language

The body of the letter, i.e. the content

Certain situations may be dealt with by using standard phrases and three expressions. Knowledge of these is useful not only in terms of saving time, but also when diplomacy and tact are required. These formulae may also be used in spoken English. Below are a few of the stock phrases (gambits) that can be adopted where appropriate.

Gambits: what are they, and why do we use them?

1. Openings where correspondence is ongoing

    1. With reference to your letter ref ... and dated ...
    2. I have received your letter ref ... and dated ...
    3. Thank you for your letter ref ... and dated ...
    4. I am writing in reply to your letter ref ... and dated

2. Openings where correspondence has been initiated by telephone

    1. This letter is to confirm the telephone conversation between Mr. X and Mr. Y in which ......

3. Requests

    1. I would be grateful if ...
    2. I would appreciate it if ...
    3. Could you please let me know if ...
    4. I wonder if it would be possible to ...
    5. Would you be kind enough to...

4. Consent

    1. I am glad to tell you that ...
    2. I am happy to inform you that ...
    3. I will be quite in order for you to ...

5. Offers

    1. I would be happy to ...
    2. If you wish, I will ...
    3. Please do not hesitate to ...

6. Promises

    1. I will certainly ...
    2. I am quite prepared to ...

7. Assurance

    1. I assure you that ...
    2. I should like to assure you that ...

8. Suggestions

    1. I feel that at present
    2. It seems to me that ...
    3. Perhaps a solution might be ...
    4. I am inclined to ...

9. Disagreement

    1. I am not sure that ....
    2. I am rather doubtful if
    3. Might it not perhaps be better to ...
    4. Personally I think it might be better to ...

1O. Refusals

    1. I appreciate your difficulties but ...
    2. I am afraid that ...
    3. I am sorry that ...
    4. I am sorry to say that ...
    5. I am sorry to have to tell you that ...

11. Regrets

    1. I regret that...
    2. I very much regret that ...
    3. I regret to say that ...

12. Apologies

    1. I must apologise for ....
    2. Please accept my sincere apologies for ...

13. Reminders

    1. I have not received a reply to my letter of ...
    2. No action appears to have been taken regarding ...
    3. I wonder whether anything has been done regarding ...

14. Endings

    1. I look forward to receiving your reply.
    2. I would be grateful if you would reply as soon as possible.
    3. I would appreciate it if you would reply as soon as possible.
    4. Hoping to hear from you at your earliest opportunity.
    5. Your reply by return would be appreciated.

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