
Questions to think about

One way in which we can improve our performance in a task is to watch somebody else carrying out a similar task. Teachers spend a lot of time observing other teachers teaching. In this way they can make improvements in their own teaching style.

This situation also applies to the giving of instructions. Watch somebody else carrying out the task, and use this as a model for making improvements in your own style.

Below is a list of questions to think about when watching somebody else giving instructions.

We think this checklist could be quite useful for you to take with you to a demonstration, so we include it as a pdf file at the bottom of this page.

Questions to ask yourself when you watch a demonstration or are being given instructions

1. Was the aim / goal clear?

2. Could everyone see the instructor and the object being demonstrated?

3. Could the group have been arranged in a better way?

4. Did the instructor speak clearly and slowly?

5. Did the instructor display the object clearly?

6. Did the instructor use easy-to-understand, simple language?

7. Were complicated technical words explained well?

8. Did the instructor show and demonstrate clearly enough?

9. Was the process repeated?

10. Was the group asked lots of questions during the demo?

11. Did the instructor ask everyone questions, or did they just talk to one or two individuals?

12. Were the people in the group encouraged to be active?

13. Did the instructor keep everyone's interest? By looking around at everyone, by having an interesting voice and manner?

14. Was the lesson or demonstration arranged so that everyone felt successful and pleased with themselves?

15. Did the group feel eager to go on learning more?

16. Did the instructor check that the group could manage each part of the job as they went along? Too much all at once?

17. Was the instructor properly prepared? Were their tools and equipment ready?

18. Was the instructor practical and down to earth?

19. Was the situation realistic?

20. Was the goal reached? Could the group do the job?

21. Was there a summing-up at the end of the demonstration?

By watching somebody else give instructions while thinking about these questions, you should gain some insight into how your own style can be improved.

Remember: There is always some room for improvement!

Click on the pdf icon to get a printer friendly copy of these ‘questions to think about’.

Copyright © Nationellt centrum för flexibelt lärande 2002